A Portrait

“These works are literally among the most cherished we own.
What is more precious than totally gorgeous creations of one’s
children in the blush of childhood?”

— A. Rockefeller

The Commissioning Process.

  • First Stage

    Sculpting from life. Several sittings over a minimum of four days are needed to create a bust in clay. Calyxte always works from life positioning his clay head next to the subject capturing the essence of his sitter.

  • Second Stage

    After final refinements to the clay bust, Calyxte creates a silicon mould and brings to the foundry. Liquid is poured into the mould to create a wax bust. Calyxte perfects the wax version before the wax is transformed into the bronze, using the lost wax process.

  • Final Stage

    Working on the bronze and creating the patina.

For commissions and all enquiries please contact